CodeProve Extension Download

Download Extension

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the .vsix file using the button above
  2. Open Visual Studio Code
  3. Access the Extensions view by:
    • Clicking the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code, or
    • Using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+X on Windows/Linux, Cmd+Shift+X on macOS)
  4. Click the "..." (More Actions) button at the top of the Extensions view
  5. Select "Install from VSIX..."
  6. Navigate to and select the downloaded .vsix file
  7. Click "Install"

How It Works

Once installed, CodeProve will automatically track your coding activity in your workspace. A .proof file will be created in the .vscode folder of your workspace. This file contains cryptographic proofs of your coding patterns and can be uploaded to this website for analysis to verify that your code was written by hand using natural typing patterns rather than generated by AI.